Saturday, September 12, 2009

Who Won the Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest ? Everyone!

“Seasoned” Contest Coordinator Pat Spurlock and “trainee” Contest Coordinator Jarlene Buzzell put together a great G.U.T.S. Event. Everyone who participated and attended took steps on the “Path to ToastMastery” as they perfected their speech, quickly prepared answers to Table Topics, gained new perspective on many different subjects, evaluated from their seat and/or was an official judge. Contest Hosts were Salman Khurshid and Whitney Liu. Beth was the fabulous photographer.

Presiding Officer Terry Bartholomew opened the meeting with the GUTS question; what would it take for Eeyore to meet the Hulk in a movie?...GUTS! With that fun opening the festivities began. Contest Master Jason Morgan, Chief Judge Shu Bartholomew and Contest Sgt-at-Arms Carolyn Buttolph facilitated a smooth contest. This reporter does not have a listing of the judges but would like to thank all the judges.

Table Topics Contest: How would you answer?…. “Puto, Dwarf Planet”

Terry Bartholomew implored us to “write our congressman and that it was our duty to assist Pluto in reclaiming glory.”

John Battaglia wanted us to “rise up and take to the streets in protest because Pluto had been unfairly singled out.”

Beth Casteel related the idea of Dwarf planet to size, being “smaller than usual” and how affected people’s perceptions of her children.

Bernie Cohen smoothed his way into a story about a “sales call that was unattainable” and related it to Pluto’s unattainable planet status.

Whitney Liu answered with a story about her observations of plants and how they helped the atmosphere around her.

Barbara Marshall told us it “was not Pluto’s fault that he had gone from Super hero to Snow White’s friend” and related that to “Some things are not fair in life.”

Scott Merrit spoke about Pluto being originally found by a farmer looking up in his telescope and that you do not have to be a genius to make a contribution.
The findings of the judges were; 3rd place Bernie Cohen, 2nd place Terry Bartholomew and 1st place Barbara Marshall
On to the Humorous Speech Competition:

Jarlene Buzzell’s speech “Dog Walking” spoke about being an inexperienced dog walker and the importance of learning proper attire, proper leash use and proper voice when walking 2 dogs.

Marty Engle’s speech “Insights Into the Nature of Intelligence” was a GUTSy presentation after just joining Toastmasters the previous week. Exceeded any expectations…marvelous job.

Salman Khurshid’s speech, “Working with Different People” related good natured incidents at his work arising from English language difficulties.

Whitney Liu’s speech “My Embarrassing Moments” spoke about the misunderstanding of some English words and the humorous misunderstandings it caused.

Tracey Head’s speech “Letting Go” spoke about her broken relationship with “PC” and what had caused it.

The findings of the judges were; 3rd place Salman Khurshid, 2nd place Terry Head and 1st place Jarlene Buzzell.

--Submitted by Jarlene Buzzell

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